Showing posts with label kids. Show all posts
Showing posts with label kids. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

duct tape love

It started at a pretty young age - the boy's love of duct tape.  To this day he has a rainbow of duct tape - all the colours of duct tape ever made.  Including camouflage.

This is some of his collection.

I remember when he was just little......I had asked him what he was up to and he replied "Looking for something to duct tape."   Another time when a friend came over, I heard him ask if he wanted to go and duct tape something.  

Hey, what can I say, he's a smart & creative kid.  He even makes the odd bit of money here & there by making wallets out of duct tape.  Yes, he takes orders. 

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

skulls on children's clothing

This is just wrong. Skulls on young children's clothing?  This is in the girls section, too.  Not to generalize, but what kind of parents want their children in these clothes?  What statement are they making?  I know life isn't all puppie dogs and pig tails but skulls are not necessary nor are they tasteful at this age.  

Thursday, May 27, 2010

docked marks

The teenboy came home with a near-perfect grade 8 math quiz.  19 out of 22  =  86% is nothing to sneeze at.

However, he was a little choked at the reason for the loss of 3 points and I can understand why.

He got one question wrong, the one shown below.  He got the math correct but he didn't specify the unit of measurement (cm2).   For this he drops from 100% to 86% which is a significant drop.  All of the questions were based in the same unit of measurement, so it somehow makes it even less significant.  argh

If I were the teacher I would have docked him a point for missing the unit of measure, two at the outside max. But this teacher gave him no points whatsoever for this question.

I do not agree but I'm not one of these parents to go running to the teacher to cry foul against my child on every single thing I hear about.

I'd love to hear your thoughts on this - especially if you are a teacher  :D

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

how often do you change your bath towel?

Gotta ask you something. 

How often do you wash your bath towel?

You're presumably clean when you dry off with it so how dirty can it get?  I understand about molds or mildew but if you have a little heat on in the winter months it will dry out fairly quickly.  

My teenage son insists on a brand new towel each time he showers.

I am thrilled he's finally at the stage where he showers everyday without any reminders but a new bath towel every day?  It just seems wasteful to me, both water wise & detergent.  Not to mention the fact that I use a coin operated laundrymat.

Personally I use mine an average of 3 times before grabbing a new one.  

Maybe I should suggest he uses a smaller hand towel to dry off instead of the large beach-sized towels if he insists on a clean one every time.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The Pain of the Popcorn

We have an air popcorn popper (no microwave) and so Nate was making popcorn with it last night.

At one point while the corn was popping he felt something like a "bug bite" between his fingers.

As a reflex he sort of squished his fingers together only to realize that made it hurt worse.

He then realized there was a hot kernel stuck between his fingers and got it out fast.

The photo shows the blisters that a hot kernel can cause after only a few seconds.

Nothing a little aloe vera gel can't heal in a short time but still, the pain. Owweeee.

Monday, January 4, 2010

allergies that shall remain undisclosed?


At first I laughed out loud at the boy's honesty. But a moment later, it struck me. Could I go to jail if I let my son turn this into his school?!

Its a little difficult to read, so here's what my son wrote on a permission slip when he was asked to disclose any allergies: "champagne, I get all red in the face and look like a lobster".

Props to him for spelling champagne correctly...but I know someone's going to ask "just how does this minor know the effects of alcohol on his body?" It was on New Year's eve, that he learned this, after consuming a small, tiny, swig of champagne (under the supervision of both his parents).

Should I really be posting this to a blog? I know people have been hunted down & fired over an anonymous blog posting. Do I dare take the chance of social services coming after me? If this blog goes for a long, extended absence, you won't know if I was taken away or just got lazy again.

Friday, March 20, 2009

snowboarding.....well, almost

Well, as can happen when you're really looking forward to a trip for a couple of months, it sometimes doesn't turn out to be all that you had hoped.

N's school was taking a trip up to the mountain for the day. They had to be at the busses by 5:15am (still not sure that was really necessary).

He refuses to try skiing as snow snowboarding is his love, although it had been a couple of years since we were last on the mountain.

The very first time he tried to slide off the chair lift he twisted his ankle and fell. He was out for the rest of the day. Had to spend the day in the lodge. He was so bored - who would have thought to pack a book for the solitude??

He went to the doc once he got home who determined it was just a bad sprain but for some reason he gave N two weeks off school! Ha, pretty sure that was a mistake, just two weeks off of gym. but of course, N tried to milk it.

The other realization I had throughout this ordeal was that my 13 yr old son now has MAN feet. He used to have such cute little feet but now they're all big & hairy and stuff. heh
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Friday, January 16, 2009

missed it by -that- much

Isn't that a radiotype, mom?

Ummm, do you mean Stereotype, son?